Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues


Had my Remacade treatment and it went well. They were concerned about my pain, but the actual flares have decreased, so that's a good sign things are working well. He gave me some folnic acid to help with my hair loss - to take along with the folic acid. I go back in a month for another treatment. My RA doc suggested me going to see an internist, so he could keep track of all my treatments and make sure everything is cool. My general doc just doesn't do it, and its in my best interest to do that, so I've got an appt to see that dude on Oct 31. I suppose I could call him the ring leader of the circus called my health. tee hee

I have an appointment on Oct 28 with Dr H, the hematologist (after having a face to face chat with his receptionist, I couldn't be put off any longer). Its still a way off but at least I've got another appt scheduled and Dr H will have time to review my tests and decide what to do with me.


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