Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues



My Mom was thinking back at how often my blood sugar seemed to drop low - just like hers had done... and now recently being diagnosed with Type II, she's worried about me. So I'm going to check my blood sugar every morning before I eat for a week and see where it is. I took it before lunch today, and it was down to 44! Holy shit. That's really low. I still feel a bit light headed so I may need to eat something else to bring it up more. Very strange that it would drop that low from not eating for 5 hours. The determining reading is really the first morning reading. I'll start in the morning.

My RA pain is about the same again... but I did sleep better, not being woke up everytime I moved. I'm doing OK though, haven't taken a pain pill today. Just resting and taking things easy.


At 1:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're checking your blood sugar - it's a good thing to do as diabetes runs in your family. You certainly don't need any complications from it! *HUGS* Thinking of you!



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