Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues


Not Happy

I'm so not happy with what was recommended by Dr B yesterday. He wanted me to go back on Methotrexate. Hell NO. I reminded the nurse of why I was taken off of it in the first place. Suppressing bone marrow is a little bit of a problem. It was the cause of my severe anemia and all the hair I lost - despite mega doses of folic acid. No. I can't take Arava because I'm allergic to it. There is one other disease modifying med that he has used, but not often so she'll talk to him about it - but she said that it would be best to sit down and talk to him. So, I'll wait 2 weeks when I have my Remacade. Until then, she told me to double my prednisone. I sure don't want to do that. I'm being stubborn about it, but I should just try it and see if it helps. I can always taper back off in 2 weeks.

I'm hurting worse in my right knee and now my left shoulder is acting up. Hands are about the same, but a little puffier in the finger joints.

UC wasn't very nice this morning but has calmed down... hopefully it will stay calm today. BS was a little low last night before dinner but fine after I ate.


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