Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues


Enough is enough!!! The pain in my butt that I had earlier (where it centered from my hip flare) has now come around to the front of my leg and it hurts like hell to move my leg at all, bend or just sit here. Its going to be a loooong afternoon and evening. I can't go home because I have class tonight. Sore throat is coming back too... grrrrr.

I called Dr Booth's office and talked to Cheryl. She said Dr Booth would probably increase my Remacade dosage. I told her I'd be OK with that and I am tolerating it well. I told her that I would really not prefer to increase the dosage of the Prednisone back up (we've been decreasing it over the last 2 months). She said that Dr Booth would probably feel the same way since they really want to get me off of it completely or just on 10 mg per day. Prednisone is just too hard on my body.

I didn't think I needed to be seen, since I am doing OK on the pain pills (for the most part) and think I can wait until the 11th when I'm scheduled for my next Remacade treatment. Cheryl will call me back if Dr Booth wants to see me before then.


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