Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues



Still pretty sore and achy from RA, but not bad enough for a pain pill - after taking a shower. I seem to be getting worse at the end of the day/early evening too. I didn't keep waking up last night every time I moved so was happy about that.

UC was a bit of a pain this morning, but has seem to calmed down.

Incision is still doing great, lost another strip of tape and there's about 8 pieces left. Sneezing and coughing hurt my abdomon, but grabbing my tummy helps. I tried vaccuming on Friday and did OK, didn't feel any pulling and wasn't sore afterwards.

Going back to work tomorrow - and will try to work the full 40 hours, but if I can't then I won't! I know the first week will be hard but I'm not going to push myself too hard. I can take a few hours leave if I need to. :)


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