Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues


Went to see my general doc today to have my blood checked for the blood thinner levels. Things are good there, not too thick, not too thin... just right. LOL! I'll stay on the level of meds that I'm on now. We scheduled an appt for next Friday to have a follow-up ultrasound done on my leg to see how the clot is clearing out. He felt so bad for me (my RA and anemia), he asked if I'd like to postpone the ultrasound for another month or so until my RA settles down, but I just laughed and said that an ultrasound was no big deal and I'd rather get it done soon and see how the clot is dissolving. I go back to see him in another month to have my blood checked again.

I am feeling like shit tonight. Every joint on right side from the bottom of my foot all the way up to my jaw has flared. So bizzare... and I'm sitting here shivering. Not really cold, just have the shivers. Could be the pain. I took 2 pain pills (pain is *that* bad) about 45 mins ago and they're barely taking the edge off. Man... where's a morphine drip when I need one. LOL!! Just for 5 minutes...


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