Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues


Staying Home

Feeling really shitty so I'm not going to work. RA pain is kind of bad (not flares) and pain pill worthy... also so tired I feel like I could sleep another few hours. UC isn't liking me either so I'm staying put. Even though I took things easy at work the past couple of days, it is just taking me a while to get back into the swing of things. So, listening to my body.

Yesterday, I started having a pain in my lower right abdoman and it didn't quit all day long (left work at noon) and laying down didn't even stop it. Not sure what it was - maybe ovulation. They told me I would have pain from that and it was a dull ache followed by sharp pains ever couple of minutes. Who knows. It is gone now, but if it happens today I'll call the doc.


At 5:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you believe it took me this long to realise you've moved your health log to another (old) place! I kept visiting the old one and wondering why you didn't update. *sigh* I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes, LOL! :) Anyway, I'm here now. (I'm sure you don't mind?)


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