Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues



I went to the gastro doc yesterday and things seemed to be improving (I know they have from my symptoms since I don't have really bad days too often) but it is time for my yearly colonoscopy - which I knew. So I scheduled it for Dec 21, after this school term is over and before the end of the year, for insurance benefits. No biggy - the worst part to me is the prep the night before. I'm asleep for the other. I've also noticed a pattern, that is a lot like my RA. The week before my Remacade treatment, things seem to get a little worse - so that is proving that the Remacade is helping the UC as well as the RA.

I'm feeling OK today, my feet are hurting but I'm not going to be walking much today. I got about 9 hours of really good sleep so that certainly felt great!


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