Karens Health Log

Log of my health issues


Just got home from seeing Dr. M. (my general). The blood thinner test was right on target, so no adjustments in my meds and I don't need to go back for a month! YAY! I got the actual results from the mammogram and ultrasound on my right boob, and Dr M said that nothing needed to be done for now. We'll watch it of course, but according to tests it isn't even a fibroid, its just a thickening of the tissue. Whew. Soooo... I 'm relieved, because I was prepared to say "get it out of me".

I had an follow-up appt scheduled with my gyno on this coming Monday to get the results of the mammo and discuss options, but I decided to cancel the appt. I'd have to drive to Salt Lake (take about 3 hrs off of work) for a 10 minute appt, when Dr. M. just checked it. So, one less doc appt! I gave the receptionist the details and if my gyno has any questions she can call Dr. M.

Dr. M is very concerned about my hematocrit (blood count) levels (anemia). He got copies of the tests the my RA (Dr B) doc did 2 weeks ago, which said my feritin levels were good, as well as my iron. So he said he suspects there is something wrong with my bone marrow not producing the blood. He said I really needed to be referred to a hematologist. Dr B had mentioned the last time that he may have to refer me to one, so I know its on his mind. That's one of the reasons I'm having another blood test done today to see what the levels are. Dr B's office should call me Tuesday afternoon with the results and I'll definitely ask them. My next appt with Dr B is Aug 7, so I'll push it when I talk to his office next week. The sooner I'm referred, the sooner I can get an appt with one (I may have to wait a long time to get an appt).

I can't go on feeling this tired and weak, and having such low levels isn't good. When I was in the hospital, my levels were at 19 (June 2). Giving me 3 units of blood brought it back to 31. The end of June, it was back down to 25, and then July 11 was down a bit more. We thought that perhaps the loss of blood was caused (the only cause) by my UC, but since that is getting better then there must be something else going on.

I'm trying not to stress out about it, but I'm really scared. I've had so many health problems this year, it just seems that its never going to end. I know that I shouldn't get myself worked up because the stress which will make things worse. The stress effects both my RA and UC. I know I've got excellent doctors and they'll take care of me. I'm not letting things beat me, I've come too far and been through too much to let anything beat me. Am I sounding brave enough??!! I'm trying to!! I need to take a deep breath, and just wait and see what this next test says and what we need to do from there. Easier said than done, but I'm trying.


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