My hands are getting worse, the swelling is on both hands now between the first two knuckles, and now the joings of my fingers are starting to discolor a bit, but they're not too swollen yet. Never a good sign. Seems like we're back sliding in the past 2 months instead of going forward. I think I'll call the nurse today, and have her talk to Dr B about doing some research about something else they can put me on to go along with the Remacade and the prednisone. A disease modifiying med like the Arava and Methotrexate (I can't take either). He's not in the office today, but she can certainly let him know what is going on. My knees are hurting worse as well - even moving in bed last night they hurt! My feet aren't getting worse though, so I'm happy about that.
Mom heard an advertisement about problems with Celebrex and Bextra now. Apparently they've been causing blood clots. This sparked my interest - because I was on Celebrex for over 2 years, and then Bextra for a year, but on 4 times the normal amount... then I got that blood clot down the length of my left leg. Coincidence?! Hmmm... don't know. I'll have to do some resarch and find out for sure what's going on. They took me off the Bextra when I was in the hospital for the blood clot, because it was also irritating my Ulcerative Colitis. I'll never be off blood thinners though, because of the damage the clot did to my veins. I haven't been on any other anti-inflammatory since, because they don't interact well with the Colazol (for my UC) and I get an anti-inflammatory in the Remacade.
Anyway... UC isn't too bad today and BS was fine yesterday and this morning. RA is just being a pain!